Simple Things You can do to help Orphans Without Giving Money

  It is easy to hear about the plight of the orphan or foster child, feel bad about their situation and just move on with our own busy lives. However, it may be on your heart to not dismiss or gloss over these hurting children. Can you imagine the child pictured above sitting on your doorstep? Could you just walk past her into the house and pretend like she didn’t exist. It is easy to ignore the problem when we keep the issue at a distance. However, we need to understand that this is a real problem with real live children…human beings…who need help. There are simple as well as more involved ways to help, and I wanted to give you some tangible ideas here.

    Anyone can do this at any time, and prayer is powerful.
 Give financially to an organization and/or family.
Do it. God might be working on your heart to push you to care for some of these children who need a mother and father. Respond to what your heart is saying about the plight of these kids. You can become the answer.
Serve a local organization. For example, clean their offices/visitation rooms where birth parents meet with their kiddos, organize donations or spend time with kids.
Serve a family who is fostering/adopted – do their laundry, bring them dinner, pick up their groceries, take kids to appts, etc.
Organize a “drive”- socks, backpacks, toys, school aupplies, toys, books, etc. for foster kids. Backpacks and suitcases are HUGE for foster kids. They often go from place to place with the few things they own in a garbage bag.

Give parents who have stepped into this important role a date night. Babysit the kids – in their own home as often foster/adopted kids function best in their own environments.
Listen – Call a mom and ask her how it’s going and listen. Offer to bring a coffee to your time together.
Take the kids on dates if you’re close with a family.
Mobilize your church or community to respond somehow.
Adopt a Family. Our church is really in support of the concept of “orphan prevention through family adotpion.” You can adopt a family through organizations like Adoption Ministry 1:27.
Mentor youth in a group foster home like Skookum Kids.

Make a WishforOthers focusing on adoption or foster care.
Talk to your local foster organization and see if you can fulfill specific Christmas wishes for children in their system this holiday season.
Drive Foster Kids to their Appointments – Foster kids need a community of loving adults that can surround them in a variety of circumstances. A car ride is a great place to show that you care. They often need rides to doctor appointments, visits to a new family or their birth family. Call your local foster care system to see if this is a need in your area.
Do emergency foster care. Emergency foster care is a way to temporarily provide care for a child for a short amount of time – often for 24 hours or up until 3 days.
Become a big brother or sister, specifically seeking out an adopted or foster child.
Donate airline miles to a family wanting to adopt.
Use a credit card that gives you cash back. Donate this cash to help an orphan.
Do a virtual adoption. Go to Northwest Adoption Exchange and visit the “Meet Waiting Children” tab. Choose a child. Pick out their picture and commit to pray for that child daily. Find out if it’s possible to send encouraging letters and gifts to your child. Tell people about the child you have “adopted” and carry their picture. Your prayers can make a difference and others might be inspired to help through your dedication.
You can see that there ways to become involved so that your lives, and more importantly, children’s lives can be changed forever.
I hope you are inspired to do two things.
 Commit to at least one of the ways to serve orphans or foster children.

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